Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My {Pinterest} Intervention

My Pinterest downfall began when I moved into my own place at the beginning of this
year. My Pinterest obsession was fed more each day and taken to a new extreme as I continued to pin home ideas, work ideas, workout plans, and recipes for one. The problem is, I wanted to do ALLLLL the things.

I started comparing my life to everything that all of the other perfect pinners and bloggers were doing. It seemed everyone had an amazing career, relationship, style, workout routine and could whip up a meal better than anyone on Top Chef on the side.  I thought now that I was living alone I could do it all, too.

Boy, was I wrong.

I'm slowly learning at at twenty-something, it's OK that I don't have my shit together. Just so long as I dress well, behave with class, and always do my best. 


  1. Ugh, that is the one bad thing about pinterest - we all seem to go through phases of feeling like we don't have it together. I completely understand where you are coming from; I think no matter what stage of life we are in, nothing will ever be perfect and the earlier we can learn that the better off we are. You go girl!

  2. Absolutely! I've been treating pinterest with the attitude that is its truly an Inspiration board- but just that, inspiration!
